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Product Designer



Product, Design
Posted on Wednesday, May 17, 2023
GitBook is a modern documentation platform. Our ambition is to empower technical teams by seamlessly integrating knowledge management into their existing asynchronous workflows. We're a fully remote who are building the future of work, inside and outside of our organization.
You will be joining during a pivotal moment for GitBook. We've enjoyed great success since we were founded, and now we're taking conscious steps to take our company to the next level.
That means you will have the opportunity to build, positively impact the trajectory of the company and enjoy the benefits of helping grow our company 20x.
📈 We have close to 25,000 sign-ups per month and 10% revenue growth month-over-month
💲 Profitable
🤝 Used by over 2M users and thousands of teams such as Adobe, Netflix, Apple, Snyk, and Google
💼 Backed by top partners such as P9 Capital, Notion Capital and Fly VC
🗺️ Amazing in over 15 countries across North America, Europe and Asia
We're looking for a detail-oriented UI designer who is code-capable to share ownership of the visual side of our product. This role will be positioned to collaborate seamlessly with a design-led product process and a product-focused engineering team. Note: We're specifically looking for a designer who is comfortable reading and writing HTML and CSS to a point where you can contribute directly to coded components.
Part of our Product team, as a Product Designer your daily mission will include:
  • Taking ownership of the visual language of the GitBook product and delivering consistently high-quality interface screens and components
  • Shared ownership of our Design System (with product) and UI component library (with engineering)
  • Collaborating with Product to take early stage explorations through to high-quality prototypes
  • Collaborating with engineers to nail the specifics of production prototypes and coded components
  • Being heavily detail-focused: You understand that the finer details and aesthetics can have a profound impact on the enjoyment of a product and take pride in sweating the details. Detail-focused also applies to your process, and you're able to produce work that covers multiple bases – your buttons have hover and active states, interactions are documented, edge-cases are considered, and you can bring clarity to a development process.
  • Being product-focused and collaborative: You're used to designing interfaces for modern products and are at least familiar with 'typical' product <> design <> engineering collaboration processes. No need to be an Agile guru or anything, but exceptional communication of design decisions and a desire to dive deep into product/user research is a big plus.
  • Being Design Systems-focused: A huge part of crafting consistently great work comes from standardising, documenting and centralising our core design principles, components, interaction patterns and assets. Your experience working with Design Systems either as contributor or maintainer will be highly valued.
  • Empathy and user focus: You care about people and want to understand the problems they face. You understand that there are ethical considerations in design around things like attention, cognition, accessibility and cultural implication. You have a strong desire to add value to people translate user needs into your product designs.
  • Having a strong portfolio: Your portfolio is full of examples of great work that shows all the above skills manifested as well-crafted products and interfaces.
  • ~4+ years experience in a product-focused design role: Some proven experience delivering interfaces and components in a product-focused role is a requirement. Years on the job is not a hard-and-fast metric, so if you're less experienced but still think you'd do a great job, don't be discouraged by this. At the same time, if you're way more experienced than this, don't think this is a 'midweight' role that you're 'too senior' for – your character, craft and output are far more important to us and we want to create space for people to make good impact.
And we're looking to enable this role by:
  • Prioritising around quality: We don't want to rush releases, and we're more than happy to take extra time to focus on the quality and the intangibles around creating a fluid and finalised product experience. We're not launching MVPs, running design sprints, or trying to find early market traction; we're building a mature, modern product in a space full of well-designed competitors.
  • A design-led product process: Our product process at GitBook leans heavily on many of the practices from things like Human-Centred Design and modern UX workshopping. You won't just be getting handed wireframes to run with, and will be involved in product exploration, user testing and research efforts.
  • An open and compassionate feedback process: At GitBook, we give a shit about the people we work with, and we're constantly looking to improve our feedback processes to be open, clear, and actionable, but to also be compassionate and considerate of our work and our craft. Everyone has their preferred way of working and communicating, and we look to accommodate that wherever possible.
First, we will take the time to review your application and we will get back to you within a week, regardless of our decision.
We know that your time is valuable so we work to move the process along quickly and keep it casual. We're not believers in "gotcha" questions or checking for skills you'll never actually use at GitBook.
Here's what our process will look like:
  • Initial call with the People team - 30min
  • Meeting with the hiring manager - 60min
  • Case study
  • Peer interview with members of the Product team
  • Optional: Final meet & greet with Head of Product
We joke internally that GitBook is the best kept secret. It's not always clear from the outside looking in that we're a great company, with a positive environment and fantastic team. As a People and Talent Manager you'll appreciate that over 90% of our team members report having a positive experience at GitBook. When asked how they describe our culture, this is what came up (in order of how frequently it was mentioned):
  • Supportive, approachable and friendly peers. Everyone is willing to help
  • Flexibility, truly remote company. We can choose when and where we work
  • Transparent. Open communication, feedback is listened to and actioned
  • Safe space. It's ok to fail, we can ask any questions and there's no judement
  • We care about people and treat them fairly
  • Autonomy & trust by default
Of course we can always get better, and there are some things that you might find frustrating:
  • We're still defining what success looks like for each person and this creates some confusion
  • We need to create more opportunities to socialize and connect as people
  • We're working on being more agile and iterating quicker
  • We are (ironically) not great at documentation
The great news is that optimizing our culture is part of what you will help us do. You will see that every single team member is a value addition to our culture, and our company values are very present in our day to day:
  • 🚀 Bias towards impactful action
  • 🙋‍♀️ Care (Give a sh*t)
  • 🤝 Transparency
  • 🏗 Keep it simple
Come make your mark on building the future of work with us.
Send us your application here!